Where are these slides?
You will find all these slides in the Front Matter of respective posts. Search inside _posts folder. How to edit them?
All slides are mentioned under "slides:" in every post. Change its content for your needs. Choose a theme!
Choose a theme using one of these in the Front Matter. black, white, league, sky, beige, simple, serif, blood(default), night, moon, solarized.
- title: Some title
slide-data: some data
theme: white
Add background color!
Use background: attribute on a slide to change its backround color.
- title: Some title
slide-data: some data
background: '#0a5'
Add a background image!
Mention image: attribute with complete path of the image in Front Matter for the particular slide.image: '/images/image-1.jpg'
Many more data types..
Checkout demo page for more data types.